Citation Churchill Optimiste
La citation de churchill. The opti mist was the man who did not mind what hap pened so long as it did not hap pen to him.
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Benjamin disraeli philip stanhope. Churchill did say some amus ing and thought ful things about opti mists and pes simists. View the list the way i see it if you want the rainbow you gotta put up with the rain. I am an optimist. Encore faut il faire ce choix.Si la parole et la politique font en général bon ménage churchill a porté le mot d esprit à son paroxysme. We remem ber the sar don ic war time joke about the opti mist and the pes simist. Il suffit d un seul choix pour façonner un destin citation changerdevie churchill citations decision motivation reussir. Petit excursus politique ce matin avec les citations de winston churchill himself. Citations drôles et tragiques de winston churchill homme d etat anglais.
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